The development of stellar in 2018

Although crypto enthusiasts and investors has been paying attention to the cryptocurrency market, their may lessen their interest in it because the markets is unstable, which has become the common trend of cryptocurrency market. That is the reason why crypto enthusiasts swing from optimism to hesitation. It was reported that after weeks of decline, the trend of rise at the end of March suggested the active and stable development of crytocurrency market. Many people predicted that stellar would perform well in 2018.

According to the official website of stellar, it is a decentralized network, which can connect the payment procedure, bank system and client. Stellar was established in 2014, devoting to eliminate poverty and tap everyones potential maximumly. Blockchain technology began to use stellar coin with low cost, whose name is lumen, to apply to a variety of charities. Stellar also tends to give up 95% of the amount of its currency.

Here is the XLM price today.
On 8, May, 2018(Chinese time), 1 XLM can change ¥2.58 RMB or $0.40 USD.
The highest price of XLM in 24 hours is ¥2.60 RMB.



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