How dose NEM influence our life?

NEM, New Economy Movement was started on April 1st, 2015 by Utopian future and is the first digital asset developed using the test-driven development model. NEM cryptocurrency is a peer-to-peer virtual currency. The source code is 100% original. NEM is widely issued and its blockchain adopts a completely new synchronous solution. NEM uses the importance proving PoI consensus mechanism. According to the transaction quantity and active degree and such dimensions to decide who has the right to bookkeeping. Its total amount is 9 billion. And all the new currency will be issued at the beginning of the release. So each new block will not generate new currency rewards. The block rewards will only be transaction fees. The feature of XEM are as follow.

1. High collection value
The amount of XEM coin is invariable, and will never inflate.

2. Convenient trading
Its TPS is high, and the carry capacity is strong enough to handle the trading.

3. High efficiency
The operation of the blockchain will not generate a lot of power demand and energy consumption.

4. Large demand
It will spend XEM to keep accounts on public blockchain and issue smart assets.

When a majority of people are paying attention to Ethereum, there is a group of people is taking a small sip and enjoying the benefit of digital currency. In Japan, there is a bar located in Shibuya is very popular, which is the same with other bars with a good environment and great cocktail. However, the difference is that it was opened by a popular cryptocurrency in Japan, XEM and you can pay the bill by nem coin. Payment can be completed within 1 second after you finish the remittance.

Recently, such news is being more and more common. The digital currency may really not be far away from real life. We can just see how will it develop.



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