Do you believe cryptocurrencies will replace the legal tender one day?

Stellar is an open source license for money transfer, running the client software through the server to achieve protocol operation and connecting with other stellar servers for communication, which forms a network for global value exchange.
Each server stores the record of all “stellar accounts” on the network, which are stored in a database called ledger. The server amends the ledger by making a transaction and transfers funds from one area to another by paying the balance of the account or changing the property of the account.
When stellar was just launched, XLM was based on the protocol of Ripple. However,  after several times of modifications to the key consensus code, XLM network has forked. Afterwards, the co-founder of stellar, Joyce Kim claimed that this is a defect in the Ripple protocol. The Stellar Development Foundation then created a new protocol based on the new code.
XEM price today had a decreasing trend in general. By 22nd, May, slumping by 5.16%, the price reached $0.315302 USD. The market cap has been declining also, which achieved $5,835,132,571 USD now. NEM coin price was unstable from December of last year to February, but it turned smooth afterwards.

Similar with stellar, oyster is a platform but used for storage as well as solve the problem of advertisement. Oyster price was fluctuant during January and February. Now, it reached $0.649276 USD, while the market cap is $50,622,054 USD. Oyster prices are not unstable as stellar. It’s hard to predict whether it will rise or not.

Recently, the cryptocurrency market seems not boomy. Although the appearance of digital currencies is surprising, some people don’t think they should be a kind of currency. Do you believe they will replace the legal tender one day?



Why did you invest stellar?

How dose NEM influence our life?